Ice hockey tactics board individually designed for Denis Seidenberg and the New York Islanders
New tactics board for Denis Seidenberg in the individual design of the New York Islanders
myTACTICS boards are already being used in Europe, Africa and Asia. Of course that makes us happy and grateful. We are particularly proud when real sports stars use our #customized #coachingstools. In the USA, more precisely in the Big Apple, none other than former NHL star Dennis Seidenberg is now a myTACTICS user. After an impressive field hockey career with numerous records and successes, including 3 Olympic appearances for Germany and winning the Stanley Cup(2011 NHL champion with the Boston Bruins), Dennis now works on the coaching staff of the New York Islanders. With his new board, the former defender, whose professional career began with the Mannheim Eagles (German champions in 2001), has a piece of home in his hands. Like all boards, it was produced in Balgheim, just a few minutes' drive from his hometown of Villingen-Schwenningen. An idol of the absolute top level, committed to the next generation, with our product - Geil ❤️